Etsy Shop Management Services

Etsy Shop Management Services

Etsy Shop Management Services, Etsy Listing Services, Etsy SEO Services, Etsy Product Optimization these are very common words when you start selling on Etsy.

Etsy is an amazing platform to sell your handmade items as it has huge user base. Whether you have been on Etsy for 10 year or 10 minutes, if you're not reaching your sales goals, Digital Toli is here to help you to do SEO on Etsy.

Etsy shop owners ourselves spend huge amount of time that gets eaten up writing product descriptions, choosing keywords, Tags research and composing shop stories and updates. If you aren’t an SEO expert, all of the time spent trying to get more sales could be a total waste.

We are one of the leading Etsy SEO Optimization service providers based in Gujarat, India. Our dedicated team of Etsy experts consists of technical wizards and Etsy SEO experts who provide Etsy marketing services that help your shop to grow.


Etsy Product Optimization Package (Etsy Shop Management Services)

Product description is essential and most important part of any Etsy listing. Etsy shop owners have many questions as below,

  • How to write effective product description ?
  • How to write Etsy SEO friendly product description ?
  • How to write SEO optimized Title ?
  • How to do keyword research for product description ?
  • How to get products to the front of Etsy's search?

As a Etsy shop owner you just need to think about new and innovative products and leave the writing and SEO research to the professionals, and let us help you!

Our main aim of Etsy Listing Services is to take you to the front page of Etsy's search for the terms/keywords to rank for. Good SEO means that keywords relevant to your product need to be used in a natural way throughout the product description.

Correct tittle and tags are key to reach at front page of Etsy's search. We are here with bundle of everything you need to sell your product into this complete package.

In this Etsy Product Optimization Package we will write 200 – 250 words SEO friendly Etsy product description, SEO-optimized title for your product, as well as 13 well-researched tags. When you purchase this item, please provide us with your email address so we can send you a short questionnaire about your project. We will email you up to 5 product descriptions in 7 business days from the time we receive your filled-out questionnaire. For orders over 5 product descriptions, we will schedule a due date with you.

Our Complete Etsy Product Optimization Package includes,

  •  A 200 – 250 word product description
  •  An SEO-optimized title
  •  13 well researched tags
  •  The 200 – 250 word product description includes 2 FREE revisions!

Please note: We cannot guarantee an increase in sales, views or favorites due to the fact that SEO is complex. However, we do guarantee flawlessly written descriptions that utilize SEO and marketing techniques.




Etsy Titles and Tags Optimization Package

Write relevant and perfect Etsy titles and tags for more item view is very difficult and most important part of any Etsy Product Listing.

Wouldn't shop owner rather be spending time thinking creating new innovative products than worrying about SEO? Well here's some great news: Digital Toli Etsy SEO Experts are here to help you!

Our Etsy Title and Tags Optimization package is designed to get maximum result and ROI in Etsy platform. Once you purchase this package, please provide us with your email address so we can send you a short questionnaire about your project.

We will email you your titles and tags in 3 business days from the time we receive your filled-out questionnaire. This listing is not for product description writing (only tags and titles).

Only focus on what you do best and it is Product Creation and let us handle SEO related stuff !

Our Complete Etsy Titles and Tags Optimization Package includes,

  •  An SEO-optimized title
  •  13 well researched tags
  •  No revisions in this service !

Please note: We cannot guarantee an increase in sales, views or favorites due to the fact that SEO is complex. However, we do guarantee flawlessly written descriptions that utilize SEO and marketing techniques.




Etsy Shop Policy writing Package

An Etsy Shop with perfect name, optimized product description, well researched titles and tags makes your Etsy shop perfect place to visit.

Now one important section comes here, Etsy shop policies. Well written Etsy shop policies helps with branding and SEO as well as it makes clear rules for your customers.

Confused about from where to begin ? Don't worry! We're here to help write your Etsy shop policies.

Etsy Shop Policy writing Package contains all 5 sections of your Etsy shop policies up to 2000 words.

It includes, Welcome Message, Payment Policy, Shipping Policy, Additional Information, and Returns and Exchange Details.

Please provide us with your email address so we can send you a short questionnaire about your project. We will email you your shop policies in 5 business days from the time we receive your filled-out questionnaire.

Our Complete Etsy Shop Policy Writting Package includes,

  • All 5 sections of your Etsy shop policies up to 2000 words. This includes: Welcome Message, Payment Policy, Shipping Policy, Additional Information, and Returns and Exchange Details
  • 2 FREE revisions



Etsy Shop Story Optimization Package

Customers are only one behind success of your Etsy shop. Customers want to know about your story. Reading about you and your story engage customers with you. Let us help you tell the tale.

Our Etsy Shop Story Package includes 750-word shop story (or a revision of a current shop story of up to 750 words). Please provide us with your email address so we can send you a short questionnaire about your project. We will email you your shop story in 5 business days from the time we receive your filled-out questionnaire.

Our Complete Etsy Shop Story Optimization Package includes,

  • An Etsy shop story
  • 2 FREE revisions



Contact to us to take your Etsy Shop another level by our Etsy Shop Management Services and Etsy SEO Services

Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion.

Our Etsy SEO & Listing Services are the perfect partner for a successful business partnership.

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